Crystocraft的故事源自1958年香港,仇永同先生创立了联艺,专门为各行各业生产高精度金属零部件。仇先生一直坚持不懈,不断改进他的金属加工技术提高产品质量。 80年代仇先生开始接触金属礼品项目,为了能达到金属表面的极致光亮度,仇先生创新应用金属薄片「冷冲压」技术制作不同类型的题材及摆件。为了更让产品显得更名贵,金属部份扣上闪烁的水晶珠。而其中的Suncatcher系列让公司於国际市场上取得了突破。 尽管冷冲压生产成本高,而大部份厂商都因成本考虑放弃了这生产技术。至今联艺仍然坚持这生产工艺,源於对细节一丝不苟的工匠精神。为了传承这经典的工艺,仇先生的下一代创立了CRYSTOCRAFT品牌,希望能将这爱与热诚透过产品分享给更多人。
CRYSTOCRAFT品牌是由第二代仇志圣Vincent和仇志贤Eddie於 2003 年创立。希望通过经典工艺和艺术与大家产生共鸣,透过精美的产品分享更多快乐和幸福,捕捉人们之间永恒而温馨的时刻。 为了让这传统工艺更加精益求精,Crystocraft设计团队不断创新开发更多动心产品,并采用欧洲最优质的水晶元素让产品更有收藏价值。
金属产品一般都采用压铸成型的方式生产,模具及生产成本较低,但表面处理较粗糙因为涉及手工打磨。我们在礼品行业率先以薄金属片冷冲压制作技术,以光亮的表面及高品质而着称。 CRYSTOCRAFT 致力於承传这经典工艺。希望能透过用心制作的产品分享爱与生命每一时刻的热诚。
CRYSTOCRAFT采用最优质的波希米亚工艺玻璃水晶材料。波希米亚是欧洲水晶的发源地,拥有超过 470年历史及生产经验。
Dazzle Crystal Cut是CRYSTOCRAFT 的专利设计。其32切割面设计灵感来自雪花结晶的图案。精准的水晶切割面完美配合优质的波西米亚水晶,让每道光线经过都释放炫目光彩。
CRYSTOCRAFT 的丰富设计及生产经验,以及对经典工艺的热诚和一丝不苟的态度,成为驱动不断创新的原动力。以下是多年来的於礼品行业一步一脚印的里程碑。
We participated in various major international gift fairs such as Hong Kong Gift and Premium Fair, Kenfair Mega Show, Spring Autumn Fair of Birmingham, Tendence Ambiente Frankfurt, Macef Milano, Intergift Madrid etc., to promote CRYSTOCRAFT®.
We set up sales office in Shenzhen and launched CRYSTOCRAFT® for China market.
Our master piece, “SWIRL LIGHTING” by Vincent Chou of CRYSTOCRAFT® was featured at 100% Design Fair in Shanghai. It was the first international exhibition dedicated to contemporary interior design in China
CRYSTOCRAFT® was featured in the “Hall of Fine Design of Hong Kong Gift and Premium Fair.”
We became an official giftware partner in Shanghai Expo 2010.
Our signature product, Ballerina Mini Music Box, appeared in a Chinese TV series - "Shining Days" produced by Croton Media. “Shining Days” was a popular TV series broadcasted on TV in China, Singapore, Taiwan as well as Hong Kong.
We have always been enthusiastic in developing E-commerce businesses and was the winner of Alibaba Outstanding B2B E-commerce Business Competition 2015.
Our products were exhibited in the SWAROVSKI 120 Years Anniversary Event.
We had Disney FAMA Audited, offering one-stop services from design to manufacturing and packaging.
We became a Sanrio Licensee, launching our unique series of products “Hello Kitty X CRYSTOCRAFT”.
The World Jewelry Facets - "The Art of Crystals" by SWAROVSKI was held at the Shanghai Gallery of Art. The World Jewelry Facets was an inspirational expression of craftsmanship and it manifested the finest art and design in the fashion jewelry world. CRYSTOCRAFT® was delighted to be one of their world class branding partners contributing to this jewellery exhibition with the metal sculpture “LIGHTNING" by Vincent Chou.
It was a pleasure to celebrate the growth and development of our company – the 60th anniversary.
We developed a whiskey glass with patented design "SMOOTH-SPIN", which improve the drinking experience by unlocking flavors and aromas of whiskey with a gentle spin.
Crystocraft develops its proprietary design of octagon crystal “DAZZLE CRYSTAL CUT”. Its 32-facet precise crystal-cut is inspired by snowflake crystalline pattern, resonates with the purity and quality of Bohemia crystal to guarantee captivating sparkle and brilliance.